I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but when we bought our house it was a DUMP! The first time I walked in I burst out laughing... that is how bad it was. The agent didn't seem too impressed, but he came around when I made an offer all the same. Every room was filthy and all the walls and ceilings were stained with nicotine! The guy who lived there before was a chain smoking widower who didn't clean for 10 years!
My wife couldn't even get the kitchen clean enough to use so I just tore it out. We also took out a couple of walls and joined the dinning, kitchen and laundry into one room. Took out all the asbestos and then put in fresh gyprock. It all came up really nice with a new kitchen, some polished floors and a bit of tilling. I also painted the rest of the house, with some help from my Mum and a bit from my little brother. I've never had blue walls before, but the wife liked it and I think it feels quite cool.
Notice I haven't mentioned the bathroom. Well it was the worst room in the house. I ended up painting it with left over paint, just so we didn't feel sick going in there and then just ignored it for two years. Then my wife got pregnant with number two and a deadline was created. New bathroom before the baby comes... Problem is that Christmas got in the way and then work and then it was Australia day and there wasn't too much time left. I striped it out pretty quick, but one issue after another has stopped it getting done and now it is about 80% and usable, but not finished. Hopefully this weekend will see the floor done and then it will just be a few finishing touches.
So between all this house work, one gorgeous daughter and another kid on the way, my wife and the trips away to see family and just have fun, I don't have as much time as I'd like. So where is the bike up to????
Well it rides. The brakes work. All the lights work and the kick starter sits in the right place and does it's job well. The bike runs ok, but REALLY needs some jetting. NONE of my funky parts are on it... they are just sitting on a shelf in the shed. I even had it inspected for rego and it passed. Problem was, I had to spend the rego money on something else so now the inspection is out of date. It's ok though 'cause the shop will just write me up a new one without too much fuss, when I get the cash.
Once it has plate on it, I will focus on the engine and it's associated stuff. I'll start with the new 30mm carbs I got for it. I'm also toying with setting up a pair of flatsides for it, but maybe that should wait 'till later. I'll jet them nicely and then move to the exhaust. Two pipes down the front and then a y join underneath. Then a muffler swept up a little but still quite low on the left.
While that is all being sorted I'm going to do the wheels and stuff another way. I picked up a spare frame so I'm going to build that up while I ride the xl. It will get the new CRF450 front forks. It will get the CBR wheels and the alloy swing arm. I'll get it all set up and perfect and then just switch in the engine and take it down for rego. That means I can ride right up to the last day of rego and then register the other frame the next week!
So no pics today, but I'm going to get more into this now that the house is settling down and I'll put up some pics of the build as it goes!